/TACTIC/ is a revolutionary new board game that caters to both casual and competitive players.

It is a 1v1 or 2v2 board game where players place units in a 7×7 board and attempt to kill the enemy’s King while protecting their own. Right now, there are four factions, each with a different feel and overall strategy. The game’s simple mechanics  do not undermine the amazingly in depth and complex strategy.

The game has a feel similar to Chess mixed with Magic the Gathering, with a splash of Battle For Wesnoth and given a loving caress by Warhammer 40K.

  • From Magic, the game borrows the idea of taking a pre-constructed army into battle and the idea of different factions having unique and interesting abilities.
  • From Chess it takes the idea of attrition and a slowly shrinking battle-force while having victory or defeat always 1 turn away.
  • From Wesnoth, it takes the emphasis on placement and organization of your units.
  • From Warhammer,  /TACTIC/ takes the idea of having the placement phase be nearly as important, sometimes even more, than combat.

But, the best thing, all of this is combined while having absolutely no luck whatsoever. There is no card drawing, no dice rolling, no random targets or random damage.

You win or lose by your moves alone, not by the tyrannical rule of a diabolical RNG.

During your first game you will see the sheer number of choices and factors that have to be considered in a single move. Not only do you factor where your units can move and attack, you have to look at where the enemy units can move. Because of the way players can move every unit, it is very hard to play defensively.

Every unit is unique, and no one unit is strictly better than any other. They all have strengths and weaknesses to take into account. For example:

  • Some units can move further than others.
  • Some can attack from further away.
  • Some can heal and some can hurt allies.
  • Some have variable powers.
  • Some buff allies, some weaken enemies.

Overall, /TACTIC/ is a great game for all types of players. It is easy to pick up (about as hard as learning the basics of Magic the Gathering) so casual players can have fun, but it is also deep enough that high-level players are still enthralled.

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